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On Monday 5 August our colleague Chris de Koster passed away after a long period of illness. Chris was the chair of the Mass Spectrometry of Biomacromolecules research group and a highly valued employee, scientist, friend, teacher and supervisor of numerous students and PhD students.

Chris studied Biology and Chemistry in Utrecht. After completing his studies, which he completed with a cum laude in 1987, he started his PhD research at the Department of Chemistry at Leiden University. He then became a researcher at Utrecht University where he worked for 3 years on (among other things) the development of analysis strategies for complex mixtures. After a project leadership at AMOLF, Chris became group leader of Inorganic Analysis and Expertise Manager Mass Spectrometry at DSM Research. He also taught at the University of Applied Sciences Limburg at the time.

Chris de Koster

In November 2001 he became a professor at the UvA. He played an important role in numerous research projects within SILS, both research by his own group and that of other groups and was a member of the Works Council. We lose a highly valued colleague who always had time for others and, in addition to his enormous effort in science, had a great sense of humor.